Save the date: in vitro Inhalation Workshop at IIVS

December 19, 2024


Save the date for our next workshop which is jointly organized by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS), AlveoliX and VITROCELL.

Join us for an state-of-the-art workshop exploring some of the most advanced methods in in vitro inhalation research. The program covers sessions on lung cell culture preparation and practical training with advanced exposure systems, including lung-on-chip technologies.

Please take a look at the flyer to learn more about the workshop:

IIVS-AlveoliX-VITROCELL workshop 2025 – Program  (PDF)

The meeting takes place on June 26-27, 2025 at IIVS in Gaithersburg, MD –
One day after the ISAM conference in Washington DC.

A detailed agenda and registration form will follow at the end of January 2025.

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