Online dose determination for in vitro experiments with nano particles in the Karlsruhe Exposure System

October 8, 2008

October 5-8, 2008

S. Mülhopt, H.-R. Paur, T. Krebs

Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Eggenstein – Leopoldshafen, Germany

, Waldkirch, Germany


Poster about the exposition of airborne nanoparticles to human lung cell cultures in VITROCELL®system modules. After exposure the cells are analyzed to measure the biological responses of the viability (LDH, AlamarBlue) as well as the release of IL-8. Using fluorescein sodium particles shows a very good correlation between the sensor signal of the quartz crystal microbalance and the deposited mass on the membranes shown by spectroscopy. This system for the first time provides an online dose measurement for in vitro experiments with nanoparticles. 

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