In Vitro Evaluation of Inhalation Toxicity Induced by 2,3-Pentanedione Vapor Using a VITROCELL 48 2.0 Plus Exposure System and Air-Liquid Interface (ALI) Airway Model

March 12, 2024

Poster, SOT 63rd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, March 10–14, 2024, Salt Lake City, Utah.

WM Gwinn1, GK Roberts1, P-L Yao1, MD Stout1, K Ryan1, S Waidyanatha1, A Gupta2, S Pearson2, J Richey2, B Moyer2, J Shaw2, S Mukherjee2, A Skowronek2, D Fallacara2, and B Sparrow2
1Division of Translational Toxicology, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC;
2Battelle, Columbus, OH

Exposure of human and rat ALI airway cultures to PD (6 hr) induced concentration-dependent changes in the following toxicological parameters relevant to in vivo rat (BD and PD) and in vitro human ALI (BD) airway findings as well as key events in AOP 280. Airway epithelial injury is thought to be an initiator of bronchial/bronchiolar fibrosis.

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